English & Literature

Who is John Lee from American Shaolin: Flying Kicks, Buddhist Monks, and the Legend of Iron Crotch: An Odyssey in the New China and what is their importance?

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John Lee is a new student who arrives at Shaolin after Matt has been training there for some time. John Lee is ethnically Chinese but culturally American. His family was forced to leave China when the Communist Party won the war against the Nationalist Party, and his father managed to create a strong business empire in America. Now that China is more accepting of capitalist ideas and interacting with foreign powers, John's dad wants to bring his business to China. John's dad may have moved to America but he still has many Chinese values, and he expects John to work very hard. John is culturally more American, however, putting value in different things in life. He is more interested in partying and sports than in studying. His father sends him to Shaolin to learn discipline.