English & Literature

Who is Jodahs from Lilith's Brood and what is their importance?


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Jodahs is a construct child of Lilith Iyapo. Jodahs is supposed to be a male Oankali when it goes into metamorphosis but something goes wrong and when Jodahs begins metamorphosis it is discovered that it will not be male or female but a third sex which the Oankali call ooloi. It is the ooloi's job to mix the genes in an Oankali family and create life. Since the ooloi are capable of so much harm a construct ooloi has not yet been made. It had been determined among the Oankali that if a ooloi construct was born that it would be sent into exile on the ship so that it could not hurt anyone. Jodahs family decides they cannot send him away.


Lilith's Brood