English & Literature

Who is Jason from The Argonautika: The Story of Jason and the Quest for the Golden Fleece and what is their importance? Argonautika English & Literature Jason | The Argonautika: The Story of Jason and the Quest for the Golden Fleece

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Jason is the protagonist in the story of The Voyage of Argo. King Pelias of Hallas is fearful when he is told by prophecy that his death will occur after a man with one shoe enters his land. Jason, who loses a shoe in the mud by the river, appears before the frightened Pelias. To escape his fate, Pelias sends Jason on a voyage to Colchis where the Golden Fleece is kept. Jason is to take the fleece and return it to Hallas. Jason takes on the mission and gathers the bravest noblemen of the land to accompany him on this voyage. Their ship is the Argo and his crewmen are called the Argonauts. Jason allows the crew to pick their leader. Hercales is chosen first; however, Hercales defers to Jason as the true leader. The other Argonauts all offer their support to their young leader.