English & Literature

Who is Janice Kiecolt-Glaser and Ronald Glaser from Social Intelligence: The New Science of Human Relationships and what is their importance?

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Janice Kiecolt-Glasser is a psychologist at Ohio State University. Her husband, Ronald Glaser, is an immunologist, someone who studies the immune system of all organisms, at the same university. This husband-wife duo teamed up to perform a series of elegant studies that look at the many effects stress has in our daily lives. Their finds show that continual exposure to stress not only has reverberations in our immune system, but that it can even effect a person's gene expression. Not only is stress extremely hazardous to your health, but stress actually harms the genes in your immune system that fight infectious disease and help wounds to heal. In short, the Glasers proved that stress is much worse for you than most already thought.