English & Literature

Who is Jack McClelland from The Boat Who Wouldn't Float and what is their importance? The_Boat_Who_Wouldn't_Float English & Literature Jack McClelland | The Boat Who Wouldn't Float

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Jack McClelland is a publisher and one of Mowat's friends. Mowat describes McClelland. Like Mowat, McClelland is taken by the magic allure of the boat and excitedly joins Mowat in planning a trip around Newfoundland the old fashioned way.

McClelland served as a skipper of Motor Torpedo Boats and other small craft during the war, something that left him with a craving for the sea. McClelland quickly finds out how difficult it will be to procure a boat and prepare for their trip, something that messes with his need for organization. Over the course of the novel, we learn that McClelland is highly respected by "the Golden People" who consider him, "a man who gets things done".


The Boat Who Wouldn't Float