English & Literature

Who is Ilona from Beware of Pity and what is their importance?


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Ilona is the niece of Kekesfalva and Edith's caretaker. She is a pretty woman with dark hair. Ilona is at first a love interest of Hofmiller's until he learns she is engaged. Promised a large dowry if she postpones her own wedding plans to help care for Edith, Ilona never-the-less plays the role of a loving, honest, sincere caretaker of Edith. Unlike Hofmiller, who feels only a selfish pity for Edith, Ilona, like Condor, feels a genuine love and tenderness for the girl, as is shown in her defense of Edith's behaviors. Ilona is a loving, caring woman who wants only to see her cousin happy and most of all, well.


Beware of Pity