English & Literature

Who is Gurdana Kahn, a.k.a. Alexander Campbell Gardner from Flashman and the Mountain of Light: From the Flashman Papers, 1845-46 and what is their importance? Flashman_and_the_Mountain_of_Light English & Literature "Gurdana Kahn

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This colorful character is originally from Wisconsin and is head of the palace guard at Lehore. This character has been in many battles and has many injuries. He can swallow only with the aid of a metal device. As a palace guard he wears the uniform customary to a British regiment, the 79th Highlanders. In Flashman's first encounter with this character, Flashman believes he is a would-be assassin. Instead, this character saves Flashman more than once. Despite his American origins, this character is wholeheartedly devoted to the protection of the Punjabi royal family.