English & Literature

Who is Gortha and Gorda Branlin from Boy's Life and what is their importance? Boy's_Life_(novel) English & Literature Gortha and Gorda Branlin | Boy's Life

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Gotha and Gordo Branlin are the local bullies in Zephyr. Gotha and Gordo like to pick on boys younger than themselves, which means Cory and his friends. On the baseball field one day, the Branlin boys attack Cory and his friends mercilessly, causing one boy to suffer a concussion. As a consequence of this episode, one of those boys learns to box from a book and he attacks Gotha Branlin in the schoolyard. Gotha learns from this experience and never attacks these boys again. In fact, Gotha straightens out his life and becomes a decent citizen when he grows older. Gordo, on the other hand, never learns his lesson and eventually dies in a holdup when he is shot by the owner of the convenience store he is trying to rob.