English & Literature

Who is G.I. Generation from Millennials Rising: The Next Great Generation /by Neil Howe and Bill Strauss ; Cartoons by R.J. Matson and what is their importance? Millennials_Rising:_The_Next_Great_Generation English & Literature G.I. Generation | Millennials Rising: The Next Great Generation /by Neil Howe and Bill Strauss ; Cartoons by R.J. Matson

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The G.I. Generation is made up of the people born between the years 1901 and 1924 and are best known for their role in defeating fascism during World War II. This victory makes the G.I.s America's last Hero Generation. After the war, G.I.s return home and begin having numerous children, which starts the Baby Boom. The G.I.s are also very engaged in their communities, crafting very strong institutions from a federal government that builds the Interstate System to huge corporations like General Motors and even fraternal organizations like Rotary Clubs. As the Baby Boomers grow up, they rebel against the strong institutions built and maintained by their G.I. parents. Millenials consider the G.I. Generation to be the most heroic and relate to them as grandparents. If Millenials face a crisis and overcome it, they will replace the dying G.I.s as America's Hero Generation.