English & Literature

Who is Gerald "Gilly" O'Shaughnessy (aka Mr. Barry) from Wild Justice and what is their importance?


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Gilly was born in Belfast in 1946 and has a track record that is long and varied in criminal enterprise. He thrives on the thrill of the hunt, and enjoys the cat and mouse situations that his 'profession' place him in. He is ruthless and believes that he is a true revolutionary. He can almost recite Bakunin's The Revolutionary Catechism by heart and particularly likes the section that defines the true revolutionary, referring to him as 'The lost man, who has no belongings, no outside interest, no personal ties of any sort - not even a name'. He thinks of himself as someone who has broken with society and with its laws and convictions. It is the single vanity he indulges himself in. He has honed his particular 'talent' to the degree that he can sense when things are not right, and in the case of Melissa's kidnapping, he has the uncomfortable feeling that the way things are set up will lead to his eventual downfall or capture.


Wild Justice