English & Literature

Who is Fantasma from Marching Powder: A True Story of Friendship, Cocaine, and South America's Strangest Jail and what is their importance?

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Fantasma, which is Spanish for "ghost," is the nickname of David Cordero, an inmate who reads books about black magic. He is young but is the leader of a gang in the prison, and is notorious for being a very dangerous man. Fantasma is doing time for shooting his best friend in the face with a shotgun because of an argument. He befriends Thomas and eventually tells the story of this shooting, even as he holds a knife and remarks that Thomas is now his best friend. Seeing Thomas's success as a tour guide, Fantasma decides he wants to do the same thing. He tries, and eventually succeeds, in cutting Thomas out of the business, although many tourists still come to the prison asking specifically for Thomas. Whenever Fantasma is in solitary confinement for misdeeds, Thomas fills in for him as tour guide.