English & Literature

Who is Ed Kascher from Do Black Patent-leather Shoes Really Reflect Up?: A Fictionalized Memoir and what is their importance? Do_Black_Patent-leather_Shoes_Really_Reflect_Up?:_A_Fictionalized_Memoir English & Literature Ed Kascher | Do Black Patent-leather Shoes Really Reflect Up?: A Fictionalized Memoir

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Ed Kascher teaches world history and replaces Mr. Blair, a teacher who is deemed unable to control his classroom. The students are shocked by his intimidating presence, though, the faculty sees his clothing and demeanor inappropriate. Over time, the students learn to appreciate Kascher's teaching strategies. Eddie remembers that "Smooth Eddie was a damn good teacher...Today I realize that he was the only one."


Do Black Patent-leather Shoes Really Reflect Up?: A Fictionalized Memoir, pg. 180