English & Literature

Who is Dorothy Parker from Dorothy Parker: What Fresh Hell Is This? and what is their importance? Dorothy_Parker:_What_Fresh_Hell_Is_This? English & Literature Dorothy Parker | Dorothy Parker: What Fresh Hell Is This?

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Dorothy is the main character and the subject of the biography. The story chronicles her life and work. Dorothy was a complicated person who in many ways was jaded and world-weary but in other ways, was naïve. Dorothy was most well-known for her writing contributions during the 1920's to magazines such as Vogue, Vanity Fair, and The New Yorker. She also was a founding member of the elite literary group known as the Algonquin Round Table. Most well-known for her humor and satire, she also wrote poetry and fiction, much of which was cleverly disguised in the form of an autobiography. She also was well-known for her theater criticisms and eventually movie scripts for Hollywood.