English & Literature

Who is Daniel from The Calling and what is their importance?

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Daniel is Maya's best friend, and has been since they were small children. Daniel is a strong, courageous, loyal character who is well grounded, and has a great love for Maya. Although Maya and Daniel both claim their relationship is platonic, it is hinted at throughout the novel that perhaps Daniel feels considerably more for Maya than he lets on. Daniel was, at one time, dating Serena, Maya's friend, but he openly admits that at the time of her death, he was wanting to break up with her. His actions throughout the novel always have Maya's best interest at heart, and he repeatedly puts himself in danger in order to save her. Daniel is well liked by everyone, and seems to be the love interest of many of the girls. One of those, Nicole, has an obsession so great she killed Serena, and tried to kill Maya, in order to obtain him for herself. Part of Daniel's charm, however, stems from his own powers, as he is a benandanti, or an evil hunter. Benandanti's are able to charm others into doing what they want, and are able to repel and sense evil. Daniel himself often feels vibes about people, and several times in the novel uses his repelling power to physically remove threats. Like the others, Daniel's powers continue to strengthen through the novel, as does his relationship with Maya.