English & Literature

Who is Confucius from Historical and Philosophical Foundations of Education: A Biographical Introduction and what is their importance?

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Confucius was an ancient Chinese philosopher recognized for being the original advocate of using education to develop a harmonious society. Confucius lived from 551-479 B.C.E., (Before the Common Era) and developed his educational philosophy to resolve the problems of social unrest and political turmoil. He was born during the Chou dynasty that ruled China from 1050 to 222 B.C.E. on the related principles of paternalism and hierarchy. The king was a benevolent father figure who cared for the welfare of his subjects in return for their loyalty and commitment. Confucius' ethical system used these principles and relationships. He served as a government official, teacher and police commissioner. He traveled for ten years to study the customs and forms of government in China before he returned to the small state of Lu where he established his school.