English & Literature

Who is Coach Cheng from American Shaolin: Flying Kicks, Buddhist Monks, and the Legend of Iron Crotch: An Odyssey in the New China and what is their importance?

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Coach Cheng (not the same person as Cheng Hao or Monk Cheng), is a sanda expert, once a national champion. He is a little shy and withdrawn, except when practicing his martial arts when he suddenly seems to come alive with joy, confidence and vigor. When Matt decides that he wants to learn sanda, Coach Cheng becomes his coach. Coach Cheng is strict but fair, and proves to be a good friend to Matt. He encourages him and tries to make him reach for his best. He accompanies him to hospital when Matt is ill, and tries to look after him. At the Wushu tournament in Zheng Zhou, Coach Cheng gives Matt support when the crowd is against him. He is a very likeable character.