English & Literature

Who is Calpurnia from The Memoirs of Cleopatra: A Novel and what is their importance? The_Memoirs_of_Cleopatra English & Literature Calpurnia | The Memoirs of Cleopatra: A Novel

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Calpurnia was Caesar's wife. The couple had beem married for more than fourteen years when Caesar died, though Calpurnia he admits he was away for the most part of their marriage. When Cleopatra asked Caesar why he didn't divorce Calpurnia, he admitted that she'd stood behind him during all of the hard work, thus, he wouldn't think of denying her the benefits. When Cleopatra finally saw Calpurnia in person she was shocked by her beauty..... having convinced herself that her competition would be plain in appearance.


The Memoirs of Cleopatra: A Novel