English & Literature

Who is Brucie from Ghost Girl: The True Story of a Child in Peril and the Teacher Who Saved Her and what is their importance?

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Brucie is a student who enters Torey's class during her second year of teaching at Pecking. Although Brucie isn't able to participate in the class in a positive fashion, he seems able to cause troubles for Torey and her class. Torey indicates the boy has learned how to manipulate others and often would pit one student against the other. Brucie's addition to the class adds much work for Torey since Brucie cannot eat food with lumps in it and must have his food put through a sieve. Brucie is also not toilet trained and must have his diapers changed on a regular schedule. Torey indicates that she believes the boy used his free time thinking up ways in which he could disrupt class and cause problems for the others.