English & Literature

Who is Bippo from Do Black Patent-leather Shoes Really Reflect Up?: A Fictionalized Memoir and what is their importance? Do_Black_Patent-leather_Shoes_Really_Reflect_Up?:_A_Fictionalized_Memoir English & Literature Bippo | Do Black Patent-leather Shoes Really Reflect Up?: A Fictionalized Memoir

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Bippo (George Gelley) is described as a short, muscular, cross country runner. He come from a broken home in which his mother abandoned that family, and his father is an alcoholic. When Bippo has an altercation with members of the football team, the football coach observes his ability to run through anything..... after which, the coach immediately recruits him. Bippo stands out and gains fame at the Homecoming game, but that fame is short-lived when he punches the Homecoming Queen at her coronation.


Do Black Patent-leather Shoes Really Reflect Up?: A Fictionalized Memoir