English & Literature

Who is Bertrand Russell from Prisoner's Dilemma and what is their importance? Prisoner's_Dilemma_(Poundstone) English & Literature Bertrand Russell | Prisoner's Dilemma

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Bertrand Russell is one of the most revered and philosophers of the 20th century. He was instrumental in developing and popularizing modern formal logic and set theory. Along with his friend and colleague, G.E. Moore, Russell is responsible for many of the early developments that became Anglo-English analytic philosophy.

Russell was also an incredibly dedicated and active public intellectual. He advocated for peace and nuclear disarmament. Russell was active in the peace movement through the late 1960s, and he vehemently opposed the Vietnam War. Unlike some of his colleagues at Cambridge, he criticized communism. He was a left-wing socialist, but he also adamantly believed in individual rights and democracy. As much as he attacked the United States, he made one thing clear.... he did not advocate communism.


Prisoner's Dilemma