English & Literature

Who is Baroness Adeline Hulot from Cousin Bette: Part One of Poor Relations and what is their importance? La_Cousine_Bette English & Literature Baroness Adeline Hulot | Cousin Bette: Part One of Poor Relations

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Born Adeline Fischer, the Baroness Hulot is the first cousin of Bette Fischer. Like Bette, Adeline was born in Lorraine and raised by her uncle Johann Fischer. It is Adeline's beauty and graceful demeanor that evoke torrents of jealousy in Bette. Adeline is close to 50 years old but many still consider her to be a striking woman. Adeline has been married to Baron Hector Hulot for twenty-five years or so and they have two children: Victorin and Hortense. Victorin is a young lawyer, married to CĂ©lestine Crevel. Hortense is married to Count Wenceslas Steinbock, the artist.