English & Literature

Who is Anthony T.C. Keller from My Most Excellent Year: A Novel of Love, Mary Poppins, and Fenway Park and what is their importance?

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T.C. Keller is one of three main characters, and one of three main principle protagonists in Steve Kluger's novel "My Most Excellent Year." Fifteen-years-old, T.C.is pretty typical American kid. He is intelligent, confident, and kind. He also lives with his father, Ted. T.C.'s mother, Nikki, passed away from cancer when T.C. was only six.
T.C. attends high school in Boston, and has a pronounced accent. which Alejandra at first finds grating, but then cute. T.C. is a B student in school, but should be getting As. According to T.C., who plans to go work for his father's construction company initially, there is no need for XYs in building. When T.C. sees Alejandra for the first time, he is determined to go after her, and enlists the help of his best friend, Augie, to do so.
T.C. is also very patient and open-minded, as he doesn't care that Augie is gay, and takes great pains to make a connection to Hucky, the deaf six year-old kid whom reminds T.C. of himself. T.C. is also full of gimmicks and schemes, and spares no expense to get in good with Alejandra, and to help Lori decide to date his father.
By the end of the novel, T.C. and Alejandra are dating, and T.C. has decided to study political science in college.