English & Literature

Who is Anna Bella Monroe from The Feast of All Saints and what is their importance? The_Feast_of_All_Saints_(novel) English & Literature Anna Bella Monroe | The Feast of All Saints

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Anna Bella Monroe is Marcel Ste. Marie's oldest and dearest friend. She is forced to relinquish her time with him as she has come of age to be courted, while Marcel is only a boy of fourteen. Although she loves Marcel dearly and would like nothing more than to become his wife, her appearance too closely resembles that of her African ancestors for his family's taste. In fact, Anna Bella hardly has any friends as many of the young girls comment too much on her looks and her darker skin. Anna Bella tries to wait for Marcel to admit that he wants to be with her. In fact, he often admits it to her but then declines her company. Anna Bella's parents are dead, so she is in the keep of Madame Elsie who oversees the boarding house. Madame Elsie drives Marcel away from Anna Bella any chance that she can and in the meantime, keeps Anna Bella waiting upon the young white men at the boarding house in order to have Anna Bella chosen to be their mistress. Eventually, a young man named Vincent Dazincourt requests that Anna Bella agree to become his and she agrees. After their child is born, Anna Bella realizes her mistake and she and Vincent part ways. Anna Bella finds herself free to be with Marcel, as she always wanted.