English & Literature

Who is Abraham from Eternity in Their Hearts and what is their importance? Eternity_in_Their_Hearts English & Literature Abraham | Eternity in Their Hearts

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The Biblical Abraham lives in the region of Canaan. He was originally named Abram, but God changed his name to Abraham. Abraham had a son named Ishmael with his maidservant Hagar, but since Ishmael was illegitimate, he was not able to inherit the blessings of the firstborn son. Abraham's second son, Isaac, was the child of his wife, Sarah, who was conceived when she was far past childbearing years. Isaac, thus, is considered to be a great gift from God, and he receives the blessing.

When God instructs Abraham to sacrifice his son Isaac, to prove his loyalty, Abraham is filled with sorrow. None-the-less, he follows God's instructions and binds Isaac to the altar, preparing to kill him. At the last moment, God stops Abraham, providing him with a ram to sacrifice. God then makes his covenant with Abraham, promising to bless him and make his descendants as numerous as the stars. God also promises that all peoples of the world will be blessed through Abraham's offspring. Abraham is the ancestor of both Judaism and Christianity, through his son Isaac, and also the father of Islam through his son Ishmael.


Eternity in Their Hearts