English & Literature

Which of the poets on our reading list might have seen cultural breakdown as the breaking down of barriers? (Hint: look back at the themes covered in the unit on Social Realism.) How might they interpret the Modernist slogan, "Make it new"?

It has been observed that for the High Modernists (people like Pound and Eliot), the modern era seemed a time of loss: loss of cutural meaning, loss of social coherence, loss of faith. For other Modernist poets, however, these losses meant the opening of opportunity. Which of the poets on our reading list might have seen cultural breakdown as the breaking down of barriers? (Hint: look back at the themes covered in the unit on Social Realism.) How might they interpret the Modernist slogan, "Make it new"?

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I don't have your reading list. This is only a short answer forum. Your question is pretty detailed for this space.