English & Literature

What is the main idea of Dionne Brand's poem "Hard Against the Soul"? What message is she trying to convey?

What is the main idea of Dionne Brand's poem "Hard Against the Soul"?

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From an interview with Brand.

I wanted to come back to “Hard Against the Soul,” because there was something I had begun to say that didn't work itself out. I usually write in blocks, and I needed to say the rest. I needed to fully come out as a lesbian; I needed to say what that did in terms of how I was going to speak now as a poet. Much of my work before didn't deal with sexuality as politics; somehow I've gotten a deeper, more honest sense of myself since coming out. The other thing is, I never write until it is time to write. I suppose I could have dashed off a few love poems here and there, but until the thing can be said properly, and I hope it is said properly, I don't think it should be said.


Dionne Brand and Beverley Daurio (interview date 1998)