English & Literature

“The Inheritance of Tools” by Scott Russell Sanders questions about the story

5. Read paragraph 20. Explain the purpose of Sanders’‛s reference to the grand events included there.

6. Explain the rhetorical effect of the allusions that Sanders includes in paragraph 25.

7. Drawing from anywhere in Sanders’‛s essay, select one particularly striking verb. Explain its effect.

8. Read carefully the final sentence of the essay. Discuss the effectiveness of concluding with this selection of details.

9. Discuss the significance of the title “The Inheritance of Tools,” and of the word “inheritance” as it relates to the piece as a whole.

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#1: This is the paragraph in question?

On that iced-over February morning when I smashed my thumb with the hammer, I was down in the basement framing the wall that my daughter's gerbils would later hide in. I was thinking of my father, as I always did whenever I built anything, thinking how he would have gone about the work, hearing in memory what he would have said about the wisdom of hitting the nail instead of my thumb. I had the studs and plates nailed together all square and trim, and was lifting the wall into place when the phone rang upstairs. My wife answered, and in a moment she came to the basement door and called down softly to me. The stillness in her voice made me drop the framed wall and hurry upstairs. She told me my father was dead. Then I heard the details over the phone from my mother. Building a set of cupboards for my brother in Oklahoma, he had knocked off work early the previous afternoon because of cramps in his stomach. Early this morning, on his way into the kitchen of my brother's trailer, maybe going for a glass of water, so early that no one else was awake, he slumped down on the linoleum and his heart quit.

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