English & Literature

summary of fragments by ayikwel armah

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Baako is the main character in this novel and he has been to the US to become educated. His friends and fellow Africans refer to him as a 'been-to'. He has hopes that after 5 years of study in the US that he can return to his country and help provide solutions as a writer and an activist.

He writes:

‘Each thing that goes away returns and nothing in the end is lost. The great friend throws all things apart and brings all things together again. That is the way everything goes and turns round. That is how all living things come back after long absences, and in the whole great world all things are living things. All that goes returns. He will return.’

Before Baako can even get on the plane, Brempong, a friend of his, buys loads of things to take home. Baako buys practically nothing to take home...which puts him in hot water with his family who are expecting a lot of prizes and presents from the US. This sets up the theme which is prsented as a question: what is more important to the future of Africa? Things? or Knowledge?