English & Literature

How does Napoleon represents Joseph Stalin in the Animal Farm?

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Napoleon represents Stalin quite clearly in Animal Farm. Just like Stalin, Napoleon takes advantage of the animals' uprising against their masters to eventually become the dictator 'President' of the animal farm. He creates his own 'secret police' by kidnapping the puppies and raising them for his own purposes (as did Stalin). The dynamic between Snowball and Napoleon mirrors the relationship between Stalin and Trotsky. And, just as in real life, when it looks as if Snowball will win the election, he's chased out of the farmyard never to be heard from again. Like Stalin, Napoleon uses proaganda to his advantage (example the Wind Mill incident). He changes the rules to suit his own purposes and to benefit himself (apples and milk in the pigs' mash). He also starves most of the population of the farmyard, while he and his closest affiliates grow fat.


Animal Farm