Wolf Hollow

How does Annabelle’s perspective of Toby differ from other people’s perspective?

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When Toby is accused of harming Ruth, Henry, and Betty, it is Annabelle who leaps to defend Toby, telling lies and telling the truth as necessary to protect him and clear his name. She even takes the grand step of hiding Toby in the barn and caring for him until the situation with Betty can be cleared up. Using reason and her knowledge of the area, Annabelle correctly determines that Betty must be trapped in an old well. However, Betty blaming her entrapment on Toby before she dies means Toby must flee the area. This breaks Annabelle’s heart, and Annabelle is roundly devastated when Toby is killed. Through the tragedy of being forced to grow up so early and confront many adult situations, Annabelle comes to learn that her life matters, and that what she does truly makes a difference in the world around her.