Men of Men
How is Isazi described in the novel, Men of Men?
Translated as wise one, Isazi is a true Zulu from the tribe before Mzilikazi, when Chaka ruled. He has a wrinkled face, lined like that of an old man, but his eyes are merry and smiling. He has a woolly cap of hair and a goatee beard that is still without any grey. His teeth are white and even, and he wears a black, polished ring of the induna on his head. His kilt is of wild cat tails, and he wears a threadbare military style tunic stripped of all buttons and insignia. In one pierced ear he carries an ivory snuff box and in the other ear is a snuff spoon to match and a toothpick made of a porcupine quill. He is proud and well acquainted with oxen and their control.
Men of Men, BookRags