Whispers Through a Megaphone

What do the woods represent to Miriam in the novel, Whispers Through a Megaphone?


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For Miriam, the woods represents the place where she was attacked and where she attacked back. The woods was the last place Miriam was before locking herself inside, in order to protect the world from her dangerous self. The woods is also one of the first places Miriam goes upon finally leaving her home. It is ironic that this time, her experience is the opposite. In the woods, she meets a man who is kind, supportive and actually befriends Miriam. All this happens under circumstances most women would find terrifying. Though Miriam does have her guard up when meeting Ralph, she recognizes from the start that he is not a danger to her. The second of Miriam's trips to the woods represents her newfound ability to tackle the things that frighten her and work to change or improve her life.


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