When the Sea Turned to Silver

What is a claim that Pinmei changed from the beginning of the novel to the end?

Support claim with supporting evidence from the text,including two quotes from the text

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In the beginning of the story, Pinmei is quiet and timid with everyone except her grandmother, whom she teases but only when they are alone. Between her long braid and squeaky voice, she is often described as mouselike.

The events of When the Sea Turned to Silver follow many of the steps of monomyth with Pinmei as the hero, starting with the "Call to Adventure" when she leaves her village to rescue Amah, and continuing with her meeting of her mentor, Lady Meng. Through the events, Pinmei finds her courage and her voice as she transitions from a squeaky-voiced mouse girl to a young woman who brings down the emperor though her insightful action.

Pinmei!" Yishan said in frustration. "You think and think and watch and watch. When are you going to stop watching? It's time to do something!

The little girl did her aunt and uncle a favor,' Auntie Meiya said slowly, her eyes closing. 'They would have been miserable immortals.


When the Sea Turned to Silver