What Comes After

What is the importance of the Simplicity in the novel, What Comes After?


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The Simplicity, George's boat, is the setting for the pivotal scene between Isaac and Evangeline. Evangeline first takes a ride on the sailboat with George and Isaac, and is delighted by the "wild dangerous freedom" the Simplicity provides (227). She is enamored with the ocean and all of its various life forms, declaring that the sea lions are singing a story which "sounds pretty epic" (228). For Isaac, this sail brings nostalgia as Evangeline's youthful exuberance reminds him of a young Daniel's enthusiasm-an enthusiasm that was lost in adolescence. Additionally, the Simplicity is the scene which serves as the confluence of the souls of Isaac, Evangeline, and Jonah once the Divine has been manifested itself in Jonah's spirit. Evangeline sees "sparks trailing her hand" and Isaac's body aglow (324).


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