Walk Two Moons

what are eight MAIN events in the story Walk Two Moons?

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1) The Hiddle's move to Ohio.

2) Sugar's death and burial

3) Sal finds a friend in Phoebe.

4) Phoebe's mother disappears.

5) Phoebe's mother returns with her biological son.... the child she'd given up for adoption.

6) Sal's grandparents take her to Idaho.

7) Gram get sick and ends up in the hospital.

8) Gramps gives Sal the keys to the car so she can make it to her mother's gravesite before her mother's birthday.

9) Sal stops at the site where her mother's bus went over the cliff, where she is picked up by the police.

10) The police bring Sal back to her grandfather at the hospital, where she learns her grandmother has passed away.


Walk Two Moons