Waiting for Anya

Which passage and what page did Benjaman and Anya get separated in Waiting for Anya?


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In Chapter Three, Benjamin tells Jo that he and his daughter, Anya, were separated when they were attempting to flee Paris.

'We left Paris together, Anya and me. Trouble was everyone was doing the same thing and the roads were jammed with cars and carts and lorries and people — thousands of people, everyone trying to get away. They machine-gunned us from the air whenever they felt like it and when the planes came we all scattered. After they'd gone it was always difficult to find each other again; so we made an agreement, Anya and me, that if we were separated we would find our way back here, to Grandmere's house at Lescun, we would wait for each other and then we could escape together into Spain. We said we'd wait, we promised each other.' His voice choked, and it was a moment or two before he went on. 'And that's just how it happened. One evening - just outside Poitiers it was — the planes came and strafed us and we all ran for shelter into the forest. When they'd gone I looked everywhere for her. All night I looked for her, all next day and the day after, but I couldn't find her. So that's why I'm here and that's why I'll be staying till Anya comes.'


Waiting for Anya, pg. 41