Waging Heavy Peace

How does Young tell his story in the memoir, Waging Heavy Peace?


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The autobiography is full of content, feelings, and opinions. It is not organized in chronological order. Instead, it revolves around whatever idea or thought Neil was having at the time. The reader can not predict what is coming up in the next chapter because of Neil's free flowing writing style. Planning and thinking are not part of Neil's personality or lifestyle. His topics include his family, his cars, his hobbies, his inventions, and his past experiences.

Almost every chapter begins with a black and white photo from Neil's life. Some of the chapters are titled and others are left untitled. Some of the chapters are specifically about some point, experience, or memory, but others are less obvious. The lengths of the chapters vary greatly. The shortest is one page long, while others are almost too long due to Neil's knack of writing off task.

