Visitation of Spirits

Who is the antagonist in the novel, Visitation of Spirits?


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The demon is the novel's antagonist. He appears to Horace as a Masai warrior as well as a hooded figure. The demon beats Horace with a spear when he fails to follow his commands. At First Baptist Church, the demon appears as a hooded figure, decapitating Reverend Barden before transforming into Horace himself. The demon is aggressive and crass, urging Horace to slay a dragon in the form of a truck and Horace himself. The demon threatens to shoot Jimmy, addressing the reverend in derogatory terms. In the novel's final section, the narrator alludes to the demon functioning as a motif for Horace's repressed homosexuality. The demon appears intermittently along with evil "hobgoblins and sprites and evil faeries and wargs" (28).

