Underground Airlines

What is the author's style in the novel, Underground Airlines?


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The novel has three noteworthy structural elements. It is broken down into three separate sections: Part One: North, Part Two: South, and Part Three: North. Each “part” of the novel tends to belong to a different type of literary genres. Part One’s style is reminiscent of a noir-detective story, not unlike the works of Raymond Chandler, Paul Auster and Mickey Spillane. In “Part Two: South," the story shifts from being a noir detective novel to a conspiracy novel. In the third and final section of the novel, “Part Three: North,” the novel evolves, somewhat, into a science fiction story.

In addition, there are a few points in the novel, in which, Victor narrates his dreams of his time as a slave. His dreams – which the author sets off from the rest of the narrative with italics – are delivered in a first-person, stream of consciousness style, without the sort of logic and analysis that Victor employs in the rest of his narrative.


Underground Airlines