Under the Whispering Door

How is Alan different than Lea and Wallace in the novel, Under the Whispering Door?


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Alan is the opposite of Lea and Wallace in different ways as his death is much more violent and his care for others is very limited. During his time at Charon's Crossing, Alan does everything he can to disrupt the lives of others, including Nancy as he tries to get her to hear him despite her grief and trauma related to the death of Lea. He is also willing to harm Harvey just because he looks like the man that killed him, even though Alan knows they are not the same. Instead of thinking on his life like Wallace does or trying to understand like Lea, Alan is reckless and impulsive, leading to the Manager tossing him through the door before he is ready. All of this is meant to represent how grief can lead to anger and, when left uncontrolled, can hurt more than just the one suffering.


Under the Whispering Door, BookRags