Under the Never Sky

What is the setting in the novel, Under the Never Sky?


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Under The Never Sky is set in a future or alternate version of Earth. In this reality, the Earth has gone through a form of upheaval that was almost beyond recovery. The air became so poisoned with an electricity they refer to as the 'Aether' that to live normally was considered to be largely impossible. As such, the people created huge Pods to accommodate the populations. These Pods are self contained cities. They are entirely divorced from the real world in every way. To deal with the inevitable boredom created by the limited space and stimulation available within the Pods, virtual worlds, cities, and time zones were created. Accessed by an eye piece that is part organic and part electronic, these Smarteye devices are fitted over one eye which it melds with, becoming part of the eye, but like a computer can be accessed to open files, search data bases, and access the Realms or virtual worlds created. Before Aria is thrown out of her Pod called 'Reverie', she had never seen the sky, sun, rocks, trees or anything else in its true form, and she quickly discovers that the real world is only poorly imitated by the Realms she so enjoyed all her life. Those who did not join the Pods when they were constructed instead remained in the real world. They adapted to the changing circumstances, lived without electricity for the most part, and survived by using the land to hunt, fish, and farm as we once did. They learned to read the violent electrical storms that scorched acres of earth, and evolved without interruption or interference by geneticists or scientists.

