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Higgins serves Captain Scoggs until the captain's death and then goes into service for Jacky. Higgins is very well educated and can handle an array of duties well beyond what would typically be required of him as a servant. Higgins is fiercely loyal to Jacky and she trusts him completely. When Jacky plans to establish an orphanage, she gives the money and instructions to Higgins, giving him the final say in purchasing the property. Higgins is always very organized and honest. He takes items only if they will make Jacky's life better. After the death of Captain Scroggs, Higgins is so grateful for his change in status that he goes above and beyond the call of duty for Jacky. She notes that the captain's quarters are shined and polished by Higgins immediately after Scroggs' death. Higgins takes bounty from the ships captured by Jacky's crew and uses those to outfit her cabin even more elegantly. Higgins' true nature is seen when he attempts to help Jacky conform to what society expects of her. He points out that she should clean up her language, for example. Jacky, though headstrong, listens to Higgins' words because she trusts him. Jacky's affection for Higgins is seen when she gives him her emerald, telling him to set himself up and to use the rest to keep the orphanage afloat for the time being.

