Two Old Women: An Alaska Legend of Betrayal, Courage, and Survival
The two old women decide they have to move camp. Explain why they move, and what they need to do to get their new camp livable.
based on chapter 5
based on chapter 5
The two women start to worry that they are not safe in the abandoned camp because it is such a choice place. They fear the younger generation and what they might do to them if they find them with their large stash of food. Therefore, the two women decide to move to a less-desirable area where there are lots of mosquitoes. They collect so much fish that they have no place to store it all. They weave baskets to hold all the fish and spend their evenings making clothing out of animal skins. Behind their camp is a hill that the two women have not explored. Sa' is very curious about it and decides to set out one morning to see what she can find. She finds a great quantity of cranberries and eats many of them.