Two-way Street

Who is Jordan from Two-way Street and what is their importance?

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Jordan, Two Way Street, is the ex-boyfriend of Courtney's. Initially, he was attracted to Courtney when they were both at a party. She didn't act like other girls and this intrigued him to the point that they started dating. The went on a road trip to Boston to the college that they are both considering attending. He comes from a well off family and is by every stereotype, spoiled. Up until Courtney he has always been a womanizer and a user. He realizes that with Courtney a deeper relationship is possible. However, when he realizes that Courtney's dad is the man that is having the affair with his mom, he breaks up with Courtney. He thinks that he's doing her a favor, but in the end realizes that he's being selfish and should tell her what he knows.