Twilight: Los Angeles, 1992

What are the motifs in Twilight: Los Angeles, 1992 by Anna Deavere Smith?

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Fear is a recurring idea in the book. One response to the LA turmoil was fear, a feeling prevalent among whites but also expressed by many others. The rage that gripped the rioters and looters induced panic in white people like the Hollywood agent (Anonymous Man #2); Elaine Young, the realtor; and the co-ed at the University of Southern California (Anonymous Young Woman). Paula Weinstein, a movie producer, remembers "watching rich white people guard their houses and send their children out of L.A. as if the devil was coming after them." As Owen Smet reports, after the riots, latent fears almost doubled the business of the Beverly Hills Gun Club, because "there's no place safe in LA County, daylight or dark."