Touching Spirit Bear

In Chapter Six, Garvey approaches Cole after the meeting, and Cole's father interrupts with comments of his own... how does Garvey manage to shame Cole's father?

Touching Spirit Bear

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Earlier in the meeting, Cole noted that his father knew nothing about him, that he didn't care. When Mr. Matthew's interrupted Garvey... Garvey put him on the spot and asked him about Cole's birthday. Mr. Matthews couldn't answer.

Before Cole could answer, Garvey said,“Yes, Mr. Matthews, this is about responsibility. By the way, when is your son’s birthday?”

Cole’s father gulped a quick breath,and his face grew flushed.“Uh, well...birthdays have never been a very big thing around our house,” he stammered.“I think it’s the beginning of July sometime.”Quickly he turned and left.


Touching Spirit Bear