To Shake the Sleeping Self

What is the author's perspective in the memoir, To Shake the Sleeping Self?


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Since the book is a memoir, it is written from the perspective of the author, Jedidiah Jenkins. However, it is important to note that the book is inherently retrospective. Jenkins’ bike trip lasted from the middle of 2013 until near the end of 2014, but the book was not published until 2018. Thus, during the writing of the book, Jenkins had a few years to reflect, change, and grow as a person in the wake of his experiences on the trip. When Jenkins writes about events from the trip, he mostly writes about them with a sense of immediacy, but he is actually reconstructing the moment based on memories and journal entries. Thus, the focus and content of the book is based in memory and reflection, even when the events are presented with a sense of immediacy.


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