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"To Heaven and Back" by Mary C. Neal, MD, is a memoir that is told in chronological order. The book is separated into thirty-three chapters. It chronicles the life and faith of Mary Neal beginning in her early years when attending church was something she had to endure to an awakening of her faith as a teenage missionary when she saw God's impact on the life of the impoverished and finally to an unshakable faith that got her through the darkest hour imaginable.

Neal devotes a large part of the middle section of the story to hear near death experience when she almost drowned in a kayaking accident in Chile. She had been on the "other side" and was ready to leave her earthly bonds but her work was not done on earth and she returned. Neal juxtaposes her experiences of being in the presence of Gods and angels to her profession as a physician. She understood the role of spirituality in healing and encouraged her patients to share those stories. At the conclusion of the story, Neal describes how her strengthened devotion and belief in the promises of God are what got her through devastating personal tragedy.

An "Acknowledgments" section, precedes the beginning of the book along with a "Prologue" and an "Introduction." There is a section of photos of Mary with her husband and four children. Following the book is a section entitled, "Giving Back" which describes the type of charities that will receive proceeds from the book and a section entitled "Q&A with Dr. Neal." The book concludes with a brief bio of the author.

