Tiny Alice

What is the setting in the play, Tiny Alice?


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Time and place are not specified in the play. The sums of money talked about are in the millions and billions but no currency is named. The only references to the outside world come as inconsequential details: the temperature in Cardinal's garden is 96 degrees; the port that Julian drinks was bottled in 1806; Miss Alice's mansion was brought over stone by stone from England. The generality of these facts gives the play a universal quality, reinforcing the idea that what happens in the play could happen anywhere and to anyone. At the end of the play, as well, Miss Alice makes specific yet vague references to future plans. She, Lawyer, and Butler will move to "the city" before they embark on "the train trip south." They will have a "house on the ocean" and a Rolls Royce that takes them "twice weekly into the shopping strip." Clearly, the three agents of Alice have enacted this drama before and will do so again. They will use the same props to lure their prey: wealth, beauty, and mystery.

