Time's Eye

Who is Captain Grove from Time's Eye and what is their importance?

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Captain Grove is an intelligent leader who commands the British soldiers at Fort Jamrud in 1885. His open mind adjusts quickly to the concept of time and its fragmentation, supported by the appearance of the helicopter and its crew, and the capture of the bi-peds, Seeker and Grasper. With foresight, he sends out scouting parties to investigate their surroundings, and when he receives news of another encampment, his first response is to make contact not war. Luckily, this encampment is the entourage of Alexander the Great, and as a like minded individual of similar intelligence, they combine resources and together make the pilgrimage to what seems to be the only other source of life—the city of Babylon. Captain Grove and his soldiers are instrumental in the defeat of Genghis Khan and his men, ensuring the world's progress instead of its domination by a tyrant.